11 August 2009

Welcome, new life!

I had an amazing opportunity a couple of weeks ago. I witnessed life. And I got to cut the cord. On July 25th, late morning, Mateo Asher Rodriguez, coming in at 7 lbs. 5 oz., made his big entrance. He's my nephew. His mom, Teliza, is Vino's sister. When she asked me a couple of months ago if I would be in the delivery room with her, I had an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. Having struggled with infertility for six years, I thought that I may never have the chance to be a part of the experience of the miracle of birth. Let me just tell you, it was incredible. Teliza was amazing - she showed much grace in a difficult circumstance. After 2 hours & 30 minutes of pushing, when it seemed like the only option would be a C-section, we gathered around & prayed that this little one would come quickly, and he did, just 15 minutes later. It was a messy, beautiful moment!

He has a FULL head of black hair. Lots of it. It's silky soft. He's a sweet boy, not very fussy. Very snuggly. So tiny.

That first day his hands & feet were so wrinkly, almost like paper. His hands looked like he was wearing gloves. Look at those long toes!

For the past several days I've been staying with Teliza to help her out with Mateo. When I hold him I pray that God will protect this sweet baby boy. That he will grow up to be a good man. That he will love Jesus with all his heart, and that he will have a kind, humble & gentle spirit.

So, Mateo, from your Auntie Erin, whom I am sure will be your favorite, welcome to the family. We've been waiting for you. You're even better than we hoped for.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

He's beautiful. Congratulations Teliza and "Auntie Erin".