Remember this table? My mom described it as "hideous, nightmarish, ugly, worthless..." She went with me to buy it after I found it on craigslist & prayed that I would just walk away.

It was quite rustic, but exactly what I was looking for. You can read my first post about it here.
Well, the bathroom isn't finished yet, but the table is prepped for the sink & ready to go. I cleaned it really good, then dry brushed it with some pale aqua paint that I found for 50 cents in the mis-tinted section at Lowes. Perfect! I also took off the rusted zinc top & my dad & I sanded down the wood top so it was nice & smooth. With several coats of polyurethane, it has a nice slick finish that repels water. Then I added some extra feet to raise it to a better counter height. Here's what it looks like currently:

Much better! Before:


Layla & Kevin from The Lettered Cottage have been remodeling their guest bathroom & are using a similar farm table. The top looks almost exactly the same as ours. They are using a more modern sink than ours, but it's the same concept.
I love the way their bathroom has turned out. I hope I love ours when we're finished. We are waiting to put the sink in until we can get the outlet moved. We realized AFTER tiling that if we center the sink under the mirror the sink's back splash will cover the outlet. Oops. So we'll get that moved, replace the three tiles where the current outlet is, then install the sink.
Other projects in the bathroom: fix the gap between the wall tiles & the horizontal board that goes all the way around the bathroom, install lights over the mirror, install transition between bathroom tile & hallway wood & paint the inside of the built-in cabinet & the back of the door.
Always something to do. :)